It would seem like the war of words between Ykee Benda and A Pass isn’t about to stop. And after A Pass recently called Ykee ‘gifted at making bubble gum music’, we have to admit Ykee Benda seems to be winning the war with smart come-backs, wisely painting A Pass in a certain way that’s rather hard to ignore.

Speaking on a local TV show earlier today, when asked about what’s really the issue between him and A Pass, Ykee smartly described the issue to be about A Pass having -Rural-Urban excitement,’ and then hinted on A Pass being a fan of his who is so obsessed with him.
“I think A Pass simply has something called Rural-Urban excitement,” Ykee responded to the question about his issues with A Pass. (Rural-Urban excitement is a term used tom refer to how people who have moved to urban areas from the village become so excited by the modernity of urban life that they lose self-control and begin to act wild).
“For three years now, since I came through, he has always had something to say about me. He must obsessed. When I went to the World Cup, it is him who was again most excited, celebrating me even more than myself!” Ykee added.
We can say Ykee is now leading the war of words 5-1, Barcelona-style!