Big Eye might take a long time regretting whatever tempted him to make allegations to the media two days ago that his ex-girlfriend and mother of his son Don Zella (Sheila Nadesh Nalongo) attempted to kill him at home because of a misunderstanding while they were still lovers.

Ever since, Don Zella has come out all-guns-blazing at her former lover, in her typical vulgar fashion throwing all sorts of insults at the singer and even making shocking statements that she claims are revelations of the hidden terrible side of Big Eye.
From saying that Big Eye is a kind if hermaphrodite who was a miniature woman’s sexual organ beside the male one, Don Zella has also claimed that Big Eye isn’t the father of her youngest son as it has been publicly known, that Big Eye has never contributed any child support towards the boy’s wellbeing, even that Big Eye is such a faded artiste new-kid-on-the-block Fresh Kid also currently has better music than him!

But perhaps the words that Big Eye will take most personal are Don Zella’s claims that the singer is a serial witchcraft practitioner, claims that Don Zella has made on each and every insulting post she has published on social media since Big Eye stirred her speaking to the media.
Don Zella has said that Big Eye spends so many nights in shrines looking for charms to give him music success, that the witchcraft has caused him so many personal problems, and she has gone as far as claiming the entire family of Big Eye is deep into witchcraft, that the family even had to shift from its original home in Kawempe to another village because of troubles caused by over-indulgence in witchcraft.