The State Minister for works and transport General Edward Katumba Wamala has made an announcement on what is contained in the newly passed road bill.

Speaking to Journalists, the minister said the bill is meant to curb what he referred to as road nuisance while the road trolls will help raise revenue to help in construction and maintenance of other roads.
According to Katumba, the common practice of the public littering the roads with all sorts of items like plastic bottles, buveeras and muchomo sticks will now attract a five year prison sentence or pay a fine of Shs200m. And this will not require the guilty person to be taken to the courts of law rather it will be an instant penalty.

The other case that attracts a similar sentence and fine is when one is found guilty of causing damage to road infrastructure like those that burn tyres during riots and driving trucks on the road that exceed the recommended load among others.
The law also increased the road reserves from 15 metres to 40 metres to allow enough space for future construction works and also avoid encroachments.
President Yoweri Museveni’s signature is the only thing pending for the law to be put into practice.
Last year, the Cabinet approved the Roads Amendment Bill, 2017 to be reviewed with an objective of reforming the law relating to the development, management and maintenance of public roads.