After recently saying that he was tired and sick of people’s cheap talk to the effect that he is HIV-Positive,
Kadongokamu singer, the self-styled Sir Mathias Walukagga, has uploaded recent HIV-test results to prove to the world that he is ‘clear.’

The Kadongokamu singer has long been rumoured across different public domains, including social media, to be HIV-Positive, with names of the different women he has ‘been with’ and who are reckoned to be dropped in as testament of the veracity of the claims.
Matooke Republic has learnt that Walukagga yesterday went to the nearest health facility, got tested for HIV and happily swaggered off to excitedly post on social media the testimony that he is HIV-negative.
But it’s a great thing to be HIV-negative, especially if you’re a titan of a musician in this country of ours. So we congratulate you upon being ‘clear’, Sir Mathias Walukagga! keep being ‘clear’!